Tuesday Tuesday what a day!

Lisa H.
on 5/2/11 8:19 pm - Whitehall, PA
 Morning all... up and already sitting at my work desk.   My quads are sore from last night's boot camp, so I know I did something right there.  

Working my weird Back to Basics shift today.  6-12:30ish, 3-4:30ish.. EXCEPT that I have an INTERVIEW at Ross' at 3:30 and have to take Siehara to Hebrew School at 4, so I guess I'll be working 3-3:30 and then come home while she's in Heb School to finish out my shift... oye.. 

Anyway, yes you read right.  I have an interview for a part time job at Ross'.  I NEED the job, but I am a little hesitant about starting it now before Siehara goes to camp.  I already scheduled the interview so I don't think I should cancel it.  Any suggestions?  Thoughts? I asked Siehara a few times if she would be ok staying home alone for up to 4 hours and she was saying yes, but then yesterday she wasn't quite so sure.   I'm sure she could hang with her friends for part of the time, but I don't want to put any other parent out there and she also needs to be sure she is getting the rest she needs.  

CRAP.. why do I do this to myself?!?!   ANY IDEAS would be great.. can I bring up having limited hours until after June 23? Or should I just cancel the interview? If I cancel, then what happens at the end of June when I want to go back?  

Okay, enough about that... Today is the first day of the nutrition part of the back to basics class.  I'm interested in seeing what they say.  I still think that when I eat "properly", I am not getting enough calories based on how I exercise.  Hopefully, I'll get confirmation on that in the next 4 weeks.  

Hebrew School, finishing working and going to pilates are on my schedule for the rest of the night.  

What is everyone else up to today?

My tracker


on 5/2/11 8:23 pm - Lancaster, PA
I dont have any advice I am sorry,  other than to say have the interview first for all you know they may not need you immediately.

Hi all. At work again. In awe of the prima dona antics of our director. He has refused to take and type up minutes from Management Meeting which has always been done by the director. And now has decided that he needs an administrative assistant, to do those things for him. DUDE you are the director of a methadone center you are lucky you have a computer and a chair to sit in !!!!  Ridiculous. Two of our counselors resigned yesterday as well. I feel like we are sinking and have no support.  My supervisor is going away on vacation in two weeks, and she advised the director of this and he asked her if she had coverage and she said yeah you! He laughed at her. Which really means that I will be on my own that week. ARGH!! 

Anyway thanks for letting me vent. Jason and I took a walk yesterday and talked and lit dandelions on fire with his lighter, very stress relieving i highly recommend it. LOL 

I had my first day of " sane eating" on a meal plan. I really did not think that I would be able to get through yesterday as sucky as it was without eating. But I did. Because in reality today is probably gonna suck too.So eating would not have settled anything, and when does it end?? So I didnt. I did my step workbook and journaled instead.

Heading to the gym tonight got lots to do today. Hope you have a good one
on 5/2/11 10:38 pm - Croydon, PA
Following your example, Nicole.  I'm pledging sobriey and sane eating today.  I'm using the tools of OA and WLS and hoping/praying for the obsession to lift soon.  I have a plan for today, and I'm sticking to it!  Working at a job I do enjoy, walking home from the train station after work if it is not raining, and going to OA tonight.

B - bacon/egg/cheese wrap, orange
L - chicken, rice, salad.
S - pineapple
D - hot dog, whole wheat bread, cucumbers
S - apple

Blessings, Jill

WLS 5/31/07.  Maintaining a weight loss of 141 pounds and feeling amazing!

on 5/2/11 8:58 pm
 Lisa   go on the interview.....give it your all.  Try to let them know that you are ready now to start training and that  after you daughter leaves for camp your hours will be able to increase significantly..   Good Luck!!!  and  many HUGS!!
   Today finds me celebrating my  1 year surgaversary !!!   I will be working and enjoying how much more energy I have and how proud and thankful I am for the decision I made,my surgeon, and most of all my family and FRIENDS who have supported me every step of the way!!!

  Supposed to be a gorgeous day   EVERYONE   ENJOY!!!!    

                              HUGS!  P Rock! 
on 5/2/11 9:02 pm
Good Morning Lisa and PA!

Lisa, I would let them know that you will only be able to work limited hours until Siehara goes to camp. They may only have so many hours to give  you anyway, so put it out there!

Today  begins testing....I thought it began yesterday but it actually begins today! So, I am posting now because we are not allowed on the computer, no cell phones, no books, no nothing! We get to stare at the four walls and watch the seconds go by...JOY! NOT!!!

After work I will come home and figure something out for dinner as I have rehearsal at the college tonight. Our concert is on Thursday night. Then come home and collapse....just to get up and do it ALL over again!!

That is it for me!
Have a great day!!
Think about me as I am BORED!!!

Love to all, Beth

on 5/2/11 10:36 pm - Mount Pleasant, PA
Lisa, go to the interview and just let them know of your scheduling limitations.  They will either hire you or they wont.  if they dont then you can reapply later down the road when your schedule changes. 
I would hit those slacker parents up for kid watching that seem to always leave their kids with you.  Also, im sure there is apprehension from Siehara because there is the unknown factor of what to expect.  It may be easier once you get into it and she realizes everything will be ok.  unfortunately its one of those things that you wont know for sure until you actually do it.  Good luck.

Today i am working till 3:30 and then I head home to work out before dinner.  My son has guitar practice tonight but other tha that it should be a preety open night. 

have a great day everyone!


HW=400  SW=383  CW=252  GW=240
Pounds to go=12!!!  Pounds Lost =148

on 5/2/11 11:00 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good morning sweetheart - GET THEE TO ROSS!!!!!!!!  And guess what - Siehara is more than old enough and capable enough to sit at the apartment for a few hours at a time and watch TV or the like when you are working.  You are showing her work ethic and financial responsibility.  Also, are you SERIOUS about NOT wanting to count on other parents - WTH?  You do it many many mornings.  That is just shooting yourself in the foot!  If this is what is best for your family, then you do it!  End of story!  There, I am done ranting about that now - says the woman with three jobs!

So, I am still smarting from the Flyers loss last night.  They played so damned well and just couldn't get that damned puck in that damned net......ugh......it is such a difficult game to watch.  Poor Emily kept telling me to stop yelling at the TV.  Oops - Oh - speaking of Emily, she needs glasses.  Went to the eye doctor yesterday - and lo and behold, yes - she can't see....(She has been telling me that for months now)  She is VERY excited and wants pink glasses.  Larry is taking her to get frames this afternoon.  I am sure she will be looking VERY cute when she gets them - which of course, she wants them NOW!  She actually yelled at Larry and I for not telling her that it takes about a week for glasses to come in.  She is too funny!

Today is one of my last three crazy Tuesdays!  YAY!  School, Hebrew School, Confirmation Academy.  Home to collapse.  Didn't get to sleep til close to midnight last night - was up for the game and then HAD to watch Jon Stewart to see his take on the bin Laden murder.  I was NOT disappointed. He was raw, honest and maybe a little too happy - but he did say that being a New Yorker, he is too close to the situation to be at all rational about it and did NOT apologize for his feelings.  I love that guy!

I also realized today that I have been peanut butter pretzel free since I broke Passover with a handful of them last week.  And.....tada....I have survived!  I do NOT have any carbs in my classroom.  Have had cashews and peanuts to get through the day.  I do have my one peice of sf chocolate also, but, no pretzels, chips, fritos, etc....yay me!  I am feeling better about my control!  whew!  Crazy stuff!

Hope you have a terrific Tuesday all! :)
IdaMae D.
on 5/2/11 11:03 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good Morning Lisa;

I was in your shoes back in the 90's with my daughters after the ex and I split.  Sending you hugs I understand exactly where you are with this. 

Today I'm working from home.  Been online since about 6am, this afternoon Gene will be taking me to Narberth for a traffic ticket I got Valentine's night coming home from class.  When I was pulled over I told the officer I'm completely lost, please help me get to where I know I am after you give me the ticket.  I think he was expecting an argurment so after he gave me the ticket, and then had me follow him so he could show me how to get to where I needed to go, I shook his hand, thanked him and he said come to court I'll drop to a lower speed for you.  Was I going fast, yes, was I not paying attention, yes, did I deserve a ticket yes.  So there was no reason to argue with the man, only have him help me after taking me off the blue route to a place I had absolutely no idea where I was.  I think I took him off his game by being so nice to him. 

I'm exhausted lately.  I'm thinking I need a B-12 shot it's been 4 months.  I go to my PCP tomorrow.  He did not give me a script for blood work prior to this appointment so I need to get one to have my blood work done prior to the next appt. in 4 months.  After I get the shot tomorrow there is no sense in having the blood drawn, the B-12 will be up, I need to have it drawn when the 4 months is up so we can see where my levels are at that point.

Gene and I went to Jersey on Sunday to talk to my daughter and son-in-law.  They are both so hurt and angry with each other.  Neither of them want to give, neither want to talk, they just want to call it quits.  Gene told them both they need individual as well as couples counseling and that they need to find someone close to them.   He tried to get them to talk, but like he said, she is his step-daugther, he is the son-in-law, and he loves them both.  So he's not the one to work with them.  And I could see my son-in-law holding back because it was Gene and I.  It was interesting to see my daughter take a hissy fit like I take when I'm angry.  Gene noticed it as well.  He said on the way home - she takes a hissy fit exactly like you, body language, everything is identical.  Was interesting for me to see that she picked that up from me. 

Hope everyone has a great day....



on 5/2/11 11:27 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Good morning all - my day started out good, until I got about 10 miles from the house and realized I had forgotten my laptop and had to turn around and go home and get it - one of those things that I can't work without.

On a better note our little houseguest, TeeBee (Chester), is now at the vets being brought up to date on his shots and going from a studmuffin to an 'it' - and this weekend he will be going to his new family over in Jersey. My stepdaughter is adopting him and I know he'll have a wonderful home, and I'll get to see him from time to time. So our rather traumatic weekend is winding down and the little guy is healthy and happy.

So work for me today - should be quiet. Have some catching up to do but nothing too drastic.

Take care - Kathy

'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
(deactivated member)
on 5/2/11 11:30 pm

Good Morning! 

 I really wanted to stay in my bed today but got out of it a touch late but still made it to work before 9. Oh I start at 8:30 don't I??? Well I am here

Last night I cooked dinner then we watched the news and talked about things. I finally said to Dennis that all this news was making my head spin and I didn't like the thought pattern I was feeling. We then got on our jmmies settled in to watch DWTS but I flipped it off to focus on the Flyers game. I have DWTS dvr'd soI will run through that later this afternoon after work. Plus it had way to much filler last night just dance already.

Today in work I am going to do some DJing work because I'm bored then after work dinner at home then heading out to a support meeting with some friends. Then home to bed! 

Life is good.

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